

Year 5 Maths Homework

Monday 18th May - Thursday 21st May 2015


Year 5 Maths Homework

Monday 11th May - Thursday 14th May 2015



This week we will be consolidating our understanding of the four operations. Show what you have learnt by completing these addition and subtraction calculations.


Please complete your work in your maths homework book and hand in by Thursday 19th March.

Please show all your workings out.

Don't forget to add the date and 'I am learning...'.


                  Year 6          


         W/B: 26.01.15  

       (30-40 mins for each subject)

Missing Angles

Week Commencing: 26.01.15

Due in: 29.01.15


Use what you know about angles to calculate the missing angles.

Show your workings out like the examples given.

Work in your maths homework book, don’t forget the date and ‘I am learning…’

                Year 6          


         W/B: 19.01.15  

       (30-40 mins for each subject)



For week commencing Monday 19th January 2015




Angles (not angels)!

Look at the picture of the coal mine. Mark and label different types of angles, to include:

Acute (like Miss Mumby!)





Challenge 1

Can you add any other vocabulary associated with angles to the picture?

Challenge 2

Can you link angles to any other areas of maths? For example, the angle between the hands on an analogue clock showing 3 o’clock is 90 degrees.


This pre-learning needs to be completed by 

Monday 19th January.



SPAG – Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs


What is a noun? A verb? An adjective? An adverb?

Write a sentence that incudes all of these types of words.

Who can write the funniest sentence and make their teacher and class laugh most?


The enthusiastic children diligently completed their pre-learning!


Try to be clever with word order. For example, can the adverb go at the beginning of the sentence?


This pre-learning needs to be completed and returned to school by

Wednesday 21st January.


Instruction texts


Write a set of instructions that informs someone how to READ angles from a protractor. Use the ‘Instructions Checklist’ to ensure that you use the correct language and organisation. This will be used as your success criteria in Monday’s maths lesson, it will also help you with your SWYK!


This pre-learning needs to be completed and returned to school by

Monday 19th January.

For Monday 12th January 2015


The Year 6 children have begun KeyWay this week. We have looked at some of the elements that this involves, including pre-learning. Their pre-learning this week is to...



Journalistic Reporting – Collect together different examples of journalistic writing (these could be from newspapers, magazines, the internet or from an article watched on TV). Highlight and annotate the reports, or take some notes, to show the different features of a news article. The example pages will show you the features that you should look for.

Complete and return to school by Monday 12th January.


REMEMBER…Add your own creativity and imagination and make your pre-learning experience fun and engaging! These are just ideas, you can be as wild as you wish if it helps you to learn!




Go nuts!

Maths Homework

Week beginning: 1st December 2014

Due in: Friday 5th December 2014

Time: 30-40 minutes



The peRIMeter of a shape is all the way around the RIM, the side of the shape.

Calculate the perimeter of the 2D shapes on the sheet. Some shapes have all the measurements included, some shapes require you to find the  missing measurements, some shapes are compound shapes; find the perimeter of as many of the shapes as possible.

Show all your calculations in your maths book, just like the example.

Don't forget the date and 'I am learning...'.

Week beginning: 24th November 2014

Due in: Thursday 27th November 2014


This week you will use your homework time to help you learn more facts from the times tables, with the aim being to develop the speed and accuracy with which you recall each fact.


To achieve this, fill in the multiplication squares that you have been given and stick these in your homework book. Do not forget the date and 'I am learning...'.


If you would like to play a game to help you, check out these apps. You can play these in school if you wish, just speak to your teacher. 

Week beginning: 17th November 2014

Due in: Thursday 20th November 2014


This week's focus in maths is Time

These fun games will help you develop all of the skills that you have learnt in class this week; from telling the time, to calculating elapsed time, to reading and interpreting calendars and timetables.


Have a go at as many of the games as you wish. To show us that you have done your homework, you could take a picture and print this out and stick it in your homework book. 


If you click on the link below it will open a PowerPoint document that contains hyperlinks to all the games.


Have fun!

Week beginning: 10th November 2014

Due in: Thursday 13th November 2014


This week we have been learning about simplifying fractions (expressing a fraction using smaller numbers).

These two activities use division to reduce a fraction to a simplified form.


'Let your light shine' - Matthew 5, Our values are Friendship, Respect, Happiness, Honesty, Understanding and Responsibility.