

Meet Our Governors...

Peter Heafield- Chair


I am married with one son and two grandchildren and am originally from Liverpool.  After completing a science degree at Durham University I followed a career in Local Government as a Trading Standards Officer.  I trained and worked in London before taking up posts in Merseyside, Northamptonshire and finally Lincolnshire, where I was Head of Community Safety at the County Council before retiring in 2011.  During my career I served as Chair of my profession’s national body, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. 

After retiring I spent three years as Independent Chairman of a new company and registered charity set up by the seven Citizens Advice Bureaux in the County, helping them to secure and manage various funding streams.  

When moving to Lincolnshire in 1991 my wife and I chose to live in Scothern so that my son, then aged 8, could attend Ellison-Boulters, about which we had received good reports. 

I believe very strongly in the value to children of an education which gives them the best possible development opportunities, helping them achieve their full potential both academically and personally. Although I no longer have a direct connection with the school, other than as its nearest neighbour, I saw the chance to become a Co-opted Governor as an opportunity to make a contribution to Ellison-Boulters, using my experience to help it succeed as an Academy for the benefit of the children in the village and surrounding area.

Jackie Carter, Deputy Head, Staff Observer 

My name is Jackie Carter and I am a class teacher at Ellison Boulters as well as the lead teacher for Maths, Music and Pupil Premium. I was elected to the Governing Body in June 2014. I have four children; all of them came to this school and were very happy here. It is privilege to work and serve as a governor at a school where the children are truly at the heart of every decision and where learning is highly valued by staff, parents and children.

Kelly Clark - Staff Governor 

Graeme Clark - Staff Governor 

Nick Rouse - Foundation Governor 

Amarinder Sanghi- Foundation Governor


My name is Amarinder Sanghi. I am a postgraduate Dental surgeon working in a local Lincoln practice. I have worked within the field for over 16 years and have continuously enhanced my skills and education.

Both my children study in Ellison Boulters and thoroughly enjoy their time in school. Over the last three years, I have volunteered in school to support the teachers and pupils.

I feel passionate about the provision of best and most engaging education in this excellent school. I hope that my experience in different spheres of life and work can prove useful as a member of the Governing Body.

Richard Kerridge- Co-opted Governor

I am Richard Kerridge, a Co-opted Governor and currently chair of the Resources Committee. I’m a Business Consultant currently working for a multinational computer equipment manufacturer within their customer education division. My daughter (as her brother did) is enjoying her time at this truly excellent school and benefiting first hand from the fantastic teaching and friendly environment created by all who work here. I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to work with the school and my fellow governors to strive for continuous improvement and help maintain what is already a superb asset to the local community.

Andrew Talkes - Parent Governor

Jen Pearson - Parent Governor

My name is Jen Pearson and I have been a Parent Governor since October 2023. I live in Sudbrooke with my husband and our son, who is a student at Ellison Boulters. I have worked as a lawyer for over 20 years, with Wilkin Chapman Solicitors since 2015, with a specialism in new build property.


I became a Governor because I believe that all children deserve an opportunity to grow and flourish in a supportive and inclusive environment. Ellison Boulters is an amazing school with great staff and students and I want to help to maintain those high standards and opportunities for all.

Ami Montgomery - Parent Governor

Richard Clark - Parent Governor

Tracey Limbert  (Clerk the Governors)


Articles of Association 

Governing Body: Elections

Governing Body Information

Our Board of Members 

We have a board of members who oversee the work of the Governing Body. They meet three times a year, one of those meetings is the AGM in November each year. 


Acting Chair of Members - Lynsey Norris (Lincoln Diocesan Education Development Officer) 

Foundation Member - Rev. Peter Green 

Foundation Member - Joy Liddle 

Member - Vacancy 

Corporate Member for the Diocese - Lynsey Norris (Lincoln Diocesan Education Development Officer) 

Contacting the Chair of Governors


Via email:


Via post:    Chair of Governors

                  Ellison Boulters Church of England Academy

                  Sudbrooke Road


                  LN2 2UZ


Via phone: 01673 862392

'Let your light shine' - Matthew 5, Our values are Friendship, Respect, Happiness, Honesty, Understanding and Responsibility.