
Weekly Homework Expectations

Y 4/5 Mrs. Howard

Homework Timetable



Times Tables work set at regular intervals throughout the week.


Reading: please hear your child read and read to your child as often as possible.



Every week: spellings, to be tested the following Thursday.


THEN 1 piece of homework on a three week rolling schedule (English, Maths, IPC).


Homework to be handed in the following Wednesday.




If your child has any queries about their homework, please ask them to bring it into school on Monday morning so I can discuss it with them.


SPELLINGS: please encourage your child to practise little and often. It is helpful if you can discuss the meanings of the words, and how your child could use them in context as well as spelling them in isolation.


TIMES TABLES: little and often is once again the key to success. Children should practice times tables and their inverse operations to develop quick recall. If you and your child can recommend a resource that helps with times tables, please ask them to share it with the class. Perhaps you have downloaded an App, visited a website, or made up a game? We have been singing all of our times tables in class – could your child teach our songs to you?


Thank you for your continuing support with homework. 

'Let your light shine' - Matthew 5, Our values are Friendship, Respect, Happiness, Honesty, Understanding and Responsibility.