
Collective Worship

We have Collective Worship every day in school at 2:45 pm. 


Collective Worship is our time to be together as a whole school family. The time that we share is time to connect together, develop our ethos, our values and be inspired to 'Let your light shine'. 


Monday - Our Values Collective Worship - Mrs Scott 

Tuesday - Songs of Praise - Mrs Carter and Mr Clark 

Wednesdays- Class Worship - With Class Teachers 

Thursday - Visitors deliver our Collective Worship - Open the Book or Clergy visitors 

Friday - Achievements - Mrs Scott 

Open the Book 


We are very fortunate to have a lovely group of friends who deliver the Open the Book programme in our school. Open the Book is a project that gives children the opportunity to hear the major stories from the Bible. 

Our Collective Worship Policy can be found in the Non-Curriculum Policies section of the Key Information page.

'Let your light shine' - Matthew 5, Our values are Friendship, Respect, Happiness, Honesty, Understanding and Responsibility.