
Mr. Sandy

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Shakespeare is coming to EB!

The rehearsals for our forthcoming performance are well-under way!

Which of Shakespeare's plays do you think we are rehearsing?

This week the children in Miss Mumby's and Mr. Sandy's classes have been challenging each other find the area and perimeter of compound shapes. 

These were some of the questions posed...

What is a compound shape?

How are area and perimeter different?

Can you use a formula to find the area or perimeter of a shape?

​What is the most efficient way to calculate area and perimeter?

What units of measure can you use to show the area or perimeter of a shape?

Look at what we have been reading in French this week! Can you translate the French words in to English in order to understand the story?

Bikeability! The Year 6 children spent two days learning to be safe, sensible and confident cyclists. All children passed their level 1 and level 2 tests! Well done!

This week we have been learning about the importance of solar energy. The children have been able to describe how this renewable energy source is generated and used. What do you know about these alternative sources of renewable energy?

Angles (not angels)!

Look at the picture of the coal mine. How many different angles can you see? What are these angles called?

Acute     Right     Reflex     Obtuse


Challenge 1

Can you use any other vocabulary associated with angles to the picture?

Challenge 2

Can you link angles to any other areas of maths? For example, the angle between the hands on an analogue clock showing 3 o’clock is 90 degrees.

We began our new topic 'Making Things Go' by learning about mining during Victorian times. We each learnt about mining from a different person's perspective and gave quotes which will be used in our journalistic reports. The planning stages are going well and we are looking forward to sharing the final versions with you. Watch this space!

Making our Viking board games was fantastic fun, we learnt so much as well!

Science Week 2: Sound

We have learnt all about the parts of the ear and how these work together to enable us to hear. Our 'dramatic' performances demonstrated all that we had learnt and enabled us to use a range of key vocabulary with precision and accuracy.

In 'The School of Paleontology' you never know what you may discover...

After carefully unearthing the fossilised bones of a mysterious creature, our palaeontologists reconstructed their skeleton.

What special features did these creatures possess that made them suitable for life on Earth 250 million years ago?

A life that was made treacherous due to scorching temperatures, stagnant waters and poisonous gases!

What artefacts will you find in our Anglo-Saxon museum?

Wulfric thrilled us all on our Anglo-Saxon WOW Day! 


Terrible tales, barbaric battles, secret skeletons and puzzling puzzles!


A day to remember!

The Anglo-Saxons are coming...

'Let your light shine' - Matthew 5, Our values are Friendship, Respect, Happiness, Honesty, Understanding and Responsibility.