
Homework Expectations

Year 3/4 W

Weekly Homework Expectations



1. Each week you must practice the spellings that have been written in your green spelling journal.

2. Copy them out at least 3 times.

3. Write sentences using each spelling. If you do not understand the meaning of the spelling, check a dictionary.

4. To challenge yourself, think about ‘up-levelling’ like we do at school.



* Can you add better adjectives using a thesaurus?

* Check you have used the correct punctuation - capital letters and full stops.

* Try using different punctuation such as:

Brackets (   )

Commas ,

Speech marks "   "

Question marks ? 

Exclamation marks !


Times tables

* Practise by singing, writing and chanting the times table you are working on.

* Ask yourself the inverse division statements. For example if you are working on your 6 times table, ask yourself questions such as 'What is 36 divided by 6?' Show your working out so that I can see how hard you have worked!

* To challenge yourself, think about the times tables, counting methods or mental-maths strategies we have been practising in class and practice them at home too! Show your working out so that I can see how hard you have worked!


Maths/English or Topic (IPC)

* One or either will be set as a homework each week. Show your working out so that I can see how hard you have worked!

* To challenge yourself, think about the different ways you could show your work.

* Take time to do this as neatly as you can to show excellent presentation skills. 

'Let your light shine' - Matthew 5, Our values are Friendship, Respect, Happiness, Honesty, Understanding and Responsibility.