
Our Adventures


We've voted for our new councillors to represent the class in school council meetings. We demonstrated the British value of democracy, and Mrs Arden was very proud of everyone who decided to stand!

English Vocabulary

In English, we have begun to extend our vocabularies to include all things rainforest! We 'snowball' wrote to start with, and came up with nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs in groups. Then we wrote them into amazing descriptive sentences :)

Human Objects

In the first week of term, spent lots of time getting to know each other. We played' Human Objects,' where we were given objects and had to make them out of our bodies in groups! We transformed ourselves into clocks, snakes, fires and even washing machines! Can you tell which was which?

We have started Maths this year by understanding the place value of numbers. We've played games and explored why 28 is smaller than 82 and what the 0 in numbers like 509 represents, and why these are important. We’ve made numbers out of base 10, and then placed them on number lines. We worked out what each interval line was worth, and then we got hands on, and made a human number line. Mrs Arden was amazed with our reasoning and explanations as we worked out which numbers went where!

WOW - what a day! We acted, composed, explored our classroom textures, made paper plate and paper chain snakes for our classroom - all whilst staying dry when the weather turned very rainforest on us!  We really enjoyed our day!

'Let your light shine' - Matthew 5, Our values are Friendship, Respect, Happiness, Honesty, Understanding and Responsibility.